Sunday, August 9, 2015

Field notes - Northern Red Oak

Northern Red Oak
11" DBH
25' H

  1. Oak skeletonizer
  2. Fungal canker
  3. Environmental stress
Oak with internal section die back.

  Signs of an Oak Skeletonizer
  •  Leaves are rolled and stuck together in a type of nest.
  • Inside the leaves are a yellow worm like caterpillar.
  • Leaves are stripped leaving only the veins.

Nest from an Oak Skeletonizer

In the center is an Oak Skeletonizer

Oak Skeletonizer

The stripped leaf from an Oak Skeletonizer.

A nest from an Oak Skeletonizer

  • The under side of the leaves are covered in the eggs of the Oak Skeletonizer.

Signs of an oak fungal infection
  • The bark at 10' to 15' has lichen and moss. 
  • At 3' is a oozing fungal canker.
  • Internal die back.

Signs of Evironmental stress.
  • The leaves falling off the tree. 
  •  Piping for irrigation cut to close to the base if the tree.
  • Ground cover absorbing nutrients and water needed for the tree. 
  • The soil was very dry. 


  • Oak Skeletonizer- spray with Bifenthin (Talstar)
  •  Fungal Infection - Basal injections of Reliant
  • Enviromental stress- Fertilization, Aeration and Vertical mulching.

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