Thursday, January 16, 2014

Is that a tree or a shrub and is it evergreen or deciduous?

What makes a tree a tree and not a shrub?

A tree is classified as at least 13 feet in height and the trunk to be 3 inches DBH (diameter breast height). Any woody plant that does not meet this classification is a shrub. 

Trees come in many shapes and sizes. They all can be classified into two groups.

  1. Evergreens
  2. Deciduous


Evergreens keep their leaves year around. Some trees that are Evergreen are...
  • Conifers (Needled Ex. pines) and (Scale like leaves Ex. Cedars). Most but not all conifers are evergreens.
  • Broad Leafs Ex. Live oak , Holly and Magnolias.


Deciduous trees will loose their leaves once a year and grow a new stet of leave after winter.  Some trees that are Deciduous are...

  • Broad Leafs ( Includes all most all trees that have what you think of as a leaf).  Ex. Maples, Birch and Cherry trees. 
  • Conifers Ex. Bald cypress and Larch will loose their needles come winter.  Quick Fact: Bald crypess gets it's name because it looses all its needles like its going bald.


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